Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dear members,

Let's welcome our new member, Stella Yap!! and give our blessing to von.. and of cuz none of us leaving the club including myself.. lolx.. i noe im breaking rules but rules r set by ourself.. it's flexible rite.//

Great concert girls.. md30!!! it's so fast seeing sum graduating and sum becomin yr3.. time juz dun wait for u..

So chinese new year is coming, have u all buy new clothes? house visiting and gambling session during cny.. anyone?? plan tis outing k, chief sec..

and west winds concert comin on 11feb 5pm at vch.. so far who haven buy tixs, im waiting.. heez..

SuRpRiSeD gals?!! photos taken on new yr day.. hmm wonder who i haven send the new yr pictures yet, plz get frm me yea..

Ah bass kena three times during the games session.. so poor thing!!

They r those ppl who did not contributing anything.. right gals?!

Hey guy who got her, lucky u!! both ah bass n von r nice enuf to wash the dishes..

Fantastic feast!! spagetti by jie hong and fried chicken by von.. yummy~~~

Saturday, January 13, 2007

hi girls. 2007 new year celebration has ended. i wonder when is the next outing... MD concert is tmr, and all of us are performing! ;) anyway right after MD, i believe most of us will be busy mugging for exams, then for ITP. the latter sounds more boring huh. i'll be going back to IRAS and calculate tax. for those already working, will still be working. i hope u guys enjoy urself before hardtime comes! see ya!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

two OO seven

Great year ahead girls. ;)

Countdown was fun. enjoyed.

Happy New Year to all!

and best wishes to you, xc.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

hey, sry for the late entry. HAPPY NEW YEAR! nevertheless, we still spent new year tgt. i love the countdown at xc's house. so fun. like wat our vice said, guess it'd be more fun if all solitarians were present. oh yes, we forgot to split the food money. sry president, and thanks A LOT for providing accomodation...for me at least. hahaha.

anw i wanna congratulate my seniorS who got attached recently. so shocking. and wat a coincidence, two at one go!

there should be an announcement following up. but i dun see it yet.

anw xc u can always be the advisor of the club. the founder of solitarie, but the first to leave. haha. may ur spirit be with us~ she was asking why i didnt pass on the good wishes to her...well it doesnt need to be expressed verbally, u know i'll give my greatest blessing to u (tho tt guy is not T?)! :) and who says president will be the first to leave the club? haha amelia since u're so firm, y not prove it wrong to the people! :)

ok, school is reopening soon. in 2007, may all of us excel in our studies and have more time to be spent with one another. to those working, may u get a high rise in pay or, a promotion soon! haha. and to Solitarie (which will be becoming Women's Association in next to no time) long live! lol



To our fellow club members, may 2007 be a good year for us... new beginnings, but same bonding that we all share in tis club k? This is my 1st post on this blog....sorry for delay...

Well had fun at xuechun's hse....all the fun games, and disgusting forfeit...I swear no more ribena for me for e nxt 2mth...Now i noe wat is liting's fave drink liao...RIBENA!!! Not forgetting to thank our special guest, JIE HONG for his nice pasta.... and e chicken maker - von!! Simple but delicious dinner.... more outings in the future, hopefully full attendance the next time! =) make it somewhere in the central nxt time, cuz the club is so established that it consists of people from all parts of singapore....=)

Hai ya...our dearest president has graduated, but dun worry u remain as our alumni...welcome you to our club outings anytime! =) we wun forget u, wun outcast u... u live up to ur name as our president, live up to our mission of the club...hahaha... so now re-election of committee? since u said president would be the nxt to leave the i wun gt promoted liao... shall stay as my v.pres n dun think i wld ever be leaving anytime soon...  guess it doesnt matter who eva is in the committee cuz no politics here rite? :) 

Xue Chun i'm sure u haf our blessings from everyone in the club!! yao xin fu! =)

meanwhile, post the photos soon!!

happy new year once again...